
Company Introduction

homeCompany Introduction
代表取締役 鹿討康弘
Management Message

There is an old saying that guides me each and every day:
Those at the top will have fire in their eyes
Those in the middle will have worry
Those at the bottom will laugh
Only with the sounds of laughter can the path be created
When you set a high target, those with ability become motivated to achieve that target. People in the middle become concerned and worry about the scale of the challenge. People without ability burst out laughing at the seemingly hopeless task.
But a target should be set so high that the world laughs at you – or it is not the right path to go down and not the right dream to follow.
We are a small company from Hanamaki in Iwate prefecture in the Tohoku region of Japan, and we have a dream to be a factory that will draw in customers from all over the world.
That dream might be so big that it makes people laugh right now, but I believe we can get closer and closer to reaching that goal if each and every employee works towards it in everything they do.
To achieve this dream we need to be a “shrewd company” that is always aware of and ahead of the dizzying changes in our business environment.
With a philosophy of always seeking to change for the better, and always backing up our philosophy with action, we are working towards achieving our dream – one step at a time.
Only by building high can you see new horizons.

Corporate Overview

NameUKnow Industry Ltd..
Address19-10-10, Higashijunichome, Hanamaki, Iwate, 025-0015
(In Hanamaki Machining and Metalwork Industry Park)
Phone No.+81-198-24-0766
DirectorRepresentative Director: Yasuhiro Shikauchi
Capital13 million yen
CapabilitiesPrecision machining, anodizing, powder coating, Tig weldning, waterjet cutting, assembly
ManufacturedSemiconductor manufacturing equipment components, liquid
componentscrystal manufacturing equipment components, circuit board printing fixtures, medical equipment components, automotive and aeronautical related components, medical equipment components, etc.
No. Employees64 (as of 27 August 2018)
Site Area9,100 m2
Building Area3,246 m2


Group Companies

Hayase Corp.
Metalwork, assembly and related operations for the manufacture of precision measuring equipment components, sensor components, semiconductor manufacturing equipment components, medical equipment components
Head Office・Kiryu Plant
634 Nikkawa-aza, Nissato-cho, Kiryu-shi, Gunma 376-0121
TEL .0277-51-1208 FAX.0277-51-1209
Nissato Plant
47-9 Nikkawa, Nissato-cho, Kiryu-shi, Gunma 376-0121
TEL .0277-74-3511 FAX.0277-74-3512
Tokyo Office
2F, Denen Bldg. 2-5-39 Minamidenen, Fussa-shi, Tokyo 197-0004
TEL. 042-551-8811 FAX. 042-551-8812


February 1994Kyoritsu Seiko Corp. established in the Hanamaki Machining and Metalwork Industry Park with initial capital of 13 million yen.
November 1995First plant established
March 2000Acquired adjacent plant and land to expand to No. 2 plant
OctoberEstablished material warehouse
January 2001Built new No. 2 Plant and began surface treatment operations
JanuaryBuilt new wastewater treatment plant
JulyOfficially recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for promoting the creation of a comfortable workplace
OctoberExpanded welding plant
April 2002Received IS9001 Certification
April 2004Received IS14001 Certification
OctoberPlant upgrade
April 2005Expanded paint plant and began powder coating operations
MayOn-site paving improvements
OctoberExpanded shot-blast plant
April 2006Expanded lathe plant
May2006 Management Innovation Plan approved and water jet cutting equipment installed
June 2007Established the “Manner Room” (smoking room)
June 2007Parking lot paint refreshed
OctoberAcquired adjacent land with plant and office
NovemberBuilt access to newly acquired plant
DecemberRenovated new office
January 2008Refurbishment of part of newly acquired plant
August 2011Formally notified to receive energy efficiency subsidies from relevant authorities
July 2012Area selected by Japanese government as a special recovery district from the Great East Japan Earthquake
March 2013Acquired shares of Hayase Corp. and brought them into the group.
November 2017Established new sheet metal operations and began precision metal fabrication
February 2019Changes corporate structure to a holding company and changed corporate name to UKnow Industries Corp. on 14 February, 2019.
1 October 2019Brought Kawabe Sangyo Corp. into the group.
6 November 2019Finished construction of Hayase Corp. Kiryu Plant

Contributing to
the local community

【CSR Activities and SDG Initiatives】 【CSR Activities and SDG Initiatives】
  • Nukumaru  Canteen (canteen for children in Hanamaki)
    Nukumaru  Canteen (canteen for children in Hanamaki)

    Since May 2018 we have been responsible for running the Nukumaru Canteen, a canteen set up with the Hanamaki branches of the Rotary Club and Japanese Council of Social Welfare that operates the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays every month for children in Hanamaki.
    The purpose is to provide children a home-environment where they can feel safe and relaxed and they are welcome to come here and eat hand-made food, play, or do their homework.

  • End of Month Cleaning and Grass Cutting
    End of Month Cleaning and Grass Cutting

    In addition to keeping our site beautiful, the Hanamaki Machining and Metalwork Industry Park has officially “adopted” the Toyosawa River improvement area.
    We cut the grass and clean up the area around the Futatsuya drains.

  • Work Experience for Junior and Senior High School Students
    Work Experience for Junior and Senior High School Students

    Through the “Library of the Future” or the Hanamaki Rotary Club, Mr. Shikauchi goes to junior and senior high schools in Hanamaki to talk about the value and meaning that can be derived from work.
    He also went to speak to students of Hanamaki-kita Seiundai High School who will be graduating the following year and entering the workforce about how we all can learn and grow through our work.

  • Energy Efficiency and Global Warming Initiatives
    Energy Efficiency and Global Warming Initiatives

    Installation of efficient inverter air conditionersg

    Efforts to reduce our use of energy and CO2 emissions from our manufacturing processes has seen our energy use reduce 38% from 32.966 kl down to 20.421 kl.

    Swarf and metal cutting recycling

    Metal waste from our machining centers and other manufacturing facilities are separated into SUS (stainless), Al (aluminum), etc. and sent off for recycling.

  • Conflict Materials Initiatives
    Conflict Materials Initiatives

    Conflict Materials refers to materials mined in conflict zones in and around resource-rich The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold (3TG) are specifically restricted under the U.S. Financial Regulation Reform Act (“Dodd Frank Act”).
    Minerals mined in these conflict zones are a source of funds for anti-government forces making this an international issue.
    As part of our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities our policy commits us to eliminating as much as is possible the use of materials that could become a source of funds for militants.
    We also work with our suppliers and customers to survey their supply chains and ensure that we do not use conflict materials and that we purchase materials responsibly.

Corporate Events
and Training

  • Employee social events

    Employee social events

  • Students from outside the prefecture come to see how we create things

    Students from outside the
    prefecture come to see
    how we create things

  • Book rentals

    Book rentals

  • New year greetings and president`s 60th birthday celebration

    New year greetings and
    president`s 60th
    birthday celebration

  • Employee social events

    Employee social events

  • Students from outside the prefecture come to see how we create things

    Students from outside the
    prefecture come to see
    how we create things

  • Book rentals

    Book rentals

  • New year greetings and president`s 60th birthday celebration

    New year greetings and
    president`s 60th
    birthday celebration